Can you give an introduction to who you are and who/what your brand is and how long your brand has been around for? Is this your first Top Drawer?
We’re Neil, Nick and Vic. We’re Deadpan, and we’ve been making achingly sarcastic greetings cards for four years.
How did you start your brand?
Neil and Nick are copywriters, and used to sit opposite each other at work. About twice a week, someone passed round a birthday card for one of their colleagues. Who they didn’t even like. And boy, were the cards cringeworthy.
Wouldn’t it be better, Neil and Nick thought, if cards said what we all really meant? Instead of ‘Good luck in your new job!’, it would say ‘You are moving from one mediocre job to another.’
And so a brand was born. They got together with Neil’s cousin Vic (whose day job is as a very serious Chief Financial Officer in a real company) to make the one thing the world really needs: cards that tell the truth. Cards for people who don’t like cards. Deadpan Cards.
What’s been your biggest highlight whilst creating your brand? Why is it you love what you do?
It’s brilliant going to a cool shop in a town you’ve never been to, and finding your cards nestling among the beautiful things. Or when someone you know gets given a Deadpan card – it’s like seeing your (slightly grumpy) children making their way in the world.
Knowing what you do now, what advice would you give to yourself when you were first starting out?
People say don’t put a chair on your Top Drawer stand, but seriously, you really need it. Maybe also splash out on a massage at the end. It KILLS your lower back, man.
Can you tell us about your new collections/ranges that you’ll be launching at Top Drawer?
We’re launching new cards for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s and Father’s Days.
Any personal favourites from your new collection?
The Valentine’s Day card that says ‘I do not want to split up with you yet.’ Because, well, it’s often the truth, innit. As we frequently say: if you can’t say something nice, say something factually accurate.