11 Jan 2022



Can you give an introduction to who you are and who/what your brand is and how long your brand has been around for? Is this your first Top Drawer?

Hi, I’m Victoria Eggs (yes, that is my real name!) and I create hand-drawn homeware, made in the UK. All my designs are snapshots of special moments in time we wish to cherish forever and gift to those we love most. I launched the business in March 2011 and my first trade fair was Top Drawer six months later, 10 years ago!

How did you start your brand?

I graduated from Birmingham Institute of Art & Design in 2005 with a BA in Fine Art.  Soon after I moved to Sydney, Australia designing T-shirt graphics for iconic fashion brand Ben Sherman. It was then that I became fascinated by the British imagery I was drawing and realised how many wonderful memories they brought to life.

When I returned home to the UK, I decided to develop my own designs capturing these special moments: the buzz and excitement of visiting London as a small child; the unmistakable smell of fish and chips at the seaside; the simple joy of licking the spoon when baking cakes with my young daughter and the pure delight and magic that fills the air at Christmas.

I screen printed the first designs onto tea towels in a freezing studio in South London with the help of my sister-in-law and began selling them at Spitalfields Market in London in March 2011. I now work with manufacturers and family-run businesses throughout the UK who skillfully produce our heartfelt gifts.

What’s been your biggest highlight whilst creating your brand? Why is it you love what you do?

Over the past 10 years there have been some real career highlights and it’s difficult to pick just one. From receiving my very first online order 10 years ago to seeing the products beautiful displayed on the shelves at Harrods, and seeing {Dermot O’Leary wearing} my apron on ITV’s This Morning to creating bespoke ranges for the likes of the Royal Albert Hall and The Sandringham Estate. I love capturing special moments in time which are packed full of nostalgia and feel like a hearty cushion cuddle/tug on heartstrings.

Knowing what you do now, what advice would you give to yourself when you were first starting out?

Wow, where to start! There are lots of things that I’d do differently and I’m still making mistakes and learning from them. However, a couple of key pieces of advice I’d give myself would be to keep stock levels as low as possible to start with until the product has proved itself in the market and to make sure you have the right people on board who share the same vision.

Can you tell us about your new collections/ranges that you’ll be launching at Top Drawer?

I’m so excited to be launching the brand-new Platinum Jubilee Collection at Top Drawer in January. The range celebrates 70 years since HRH Queen Elizabeth the Second’s coronation and transports us back to 1952, when thousands of people gathered to watch a young Princess Elizabeth take the throne. I’ve taken inspiration from the magnificent dress the Queen wore which featured embroidered flowers from countries within the Commonwealth.

We will be handing out goody bags filled with a selection of products to visitors on the stand.


Any personal favorites from your new collection?

I love the new Platinum Jubilee cup and saucer. The intricate design sits beautifully on the delicate fine bone china which was hand-crafted using Cornish clay in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, the heart of the ‘Potteries’. It was made using traditional craftsmanship and up to 20 pairs of hands can be involved in making every set. This includes attaching each handle skillfully by hand. Both the design and manufacture are steeped in British history.

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