The Wee Book Company

The Wee Book Company

We're all about spreading Scottish joy an' positivity far an' wide. 

We produce ranges o' gift books, greeting cards, gifts an' motivational books fur bairns.  All are written, designed an' printed in Scotland - with love.


  • New range o' enamel indoor/outdoor signs - SITOOTERIE is a'body's runaway favourite!
  • The Wee Book range - The Wee Book o' Fav'rite Scottish Words an' The Wee Book o' Grannies' Sayin's are strong sellers year in, year oot 
  • Bea and Brodie - Bea and Brodie's Mindful Journey and Bea and Brodie's Magical Journey are sold the length an' breadth o' Scotland


  • Wee Deoch an' Doris is an innocent re-telling of  Harry Lauder's much-loved song.  Out in 2022 and aimed at wee bairns who've never heard the famous song before, this gives them a chance to learn from those of us who know it by heart!  This time, though Wee Deoch an' Doris are fairies who spread love an' joy to everybody who hears their song.  Beautiful.
  • Nessie's Secret is a beautiful story fur bairns about the importance of being proud to be One of A Kind.  There are loads of books about Nessie but this one has substance.  It's intended to convey confidence and calm.  The world will be a much better place once we all get happy in our own skin, with no need for recognition or acknowledgement by others - just like Nessie.  

Happy days!

Lookin' forward to seeing you at our the fair!  We'll be the ones with the flask of tea and the custard creams!

Susan and Andrew






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Contact Exhibitor

Contact Exhibitor

  • Books written with meaning, with heart ... 
  • Our new enamel signs are proving really popular!
  • Everyday greetings cards ...
  • Selling all year round ... 
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